We’ve all done it. That bone-crunching thud as you plough tyre-first into a gaping hole in the road ahead.
Potholes. They’re hard to avoid but they can wreak havoc on wheels, tyres and suspension.
The damage that potholes can cause
If you’re lucky you won’t have done any damage, but more often than not the damage you have done won’t always be immediately visible.
If you’ve accidentally hit a pothole don’t wait until your next service or MOT to discover the toll it might have taken on your vehicle.
Reporting a pothole near you
If you have hit a particularly nasty pothole you can report in on the dedicated Government website at https://www.gov.uk/report-pothole
You should also tell the local authority. Councils offer quick and easy online reporting and most will get a team out to inspect and repair the pothole within a matter of days.
SUVs and 4x4s can still be affected by potholes
And it’s not just smaller cars that are affected. SUVs and 4x4s are just as susceptible to pothole damage, from taking chunks out of alloy wheels to breaking a ball joint or blowing a strut on the suspension.
The worst thing you can do is just drive on. It’s always best to call into Dick Lovett BMW to check rather than make an already bad situation a dozen times worse.
Can you claim for pothole damage?
If you have suffered damage you might even be able to make a claim to cover the cost of the repair. Unfortunately, not all roads or areas are covered but more information can be found online at: https://www.gov.uk/claim-for-damage-to-your-vehicle
Let us check for tell-tale signs of pothole damage
Our BMW Service Teams are more than happy to check your car out for the tell-tale signs of pothole damage.
You might have thought it was only a minor knock, but even the smallest jolts can cause your wheel alignment to go awry. And this means rapid and uneven tyre wear which will soon hit you in the pocket when you have to buy a new one.
Using the latest laser technology Dick Lovett’s skilled service technicians can quickly check the alignment on your car. They will also check the sidewalls of your tyres to make sure there are no cuts or bulges. A blown sidewall is all too often a costly side-effect of a pothole collision.
For more information, please contact your local Dick Lovett BMW Centre:
Bath - 01225 562 707 |
Bristol - 01173 216 726 |
Hungerford - 01488 853 607 |
Swindon - 01793 393 758 |