New BMW Motorrad G 310 R For SaleStarting from£5,190

BMW Motorrad G 130 R
Anti-lock braking system (ABS)
ABS reduces abrupt changes in steering force, even in the event of fast braking, such as when an unexpected obstacle suddenly appears causing the rider to brake instinctively.
This means the motorcycle remains under control even during brake manoeuvres at a banking angle. Wheel sensors measure the speed at which the front and rear wheels are rotating and immediately identify if either wheel is in danger of locking up. This ensures that there is always precisely the required level of brake pressure available.

BMW Motorrad G 130 R
Multi-Functional Display
The BMW Motorrad G 310 R has a multi-function display which features a digital clock, speed, rev and gear display, dual trip distance counters, coolant temperature, fuel level and range display, side stand warning and much more besides. This means everything you need is available in one place so you can keep your eyes firmly on the road ahead.

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